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Green Oil was established in 1997 by founders who understood the risk of fuel waste and the urgency of creating alternatives to heating oil and diesel

About Us

At the time, scientists were raising alarms about pollution and global warming, but politicians and world leaders were hesitant to act as corporations saw only dollar signs, not rising temperatures. 


The founders of Green Oil understood what was at stake if eco-friendly fuel solutions were not found: a green planet for future generations. 


System Upgrade

In 2016, Green Oil upgraded its system and began producing diesel and kerosene alternatives from non-recycled raw materials, in accordance with Israeli and international standards. The expansion was made possible by adapting the company’s refinery to suit the processes of both recycled and non-recycled materials.  


Green Oil Products and Purpose

Today, Green Oil offers diesel alternatives made from both recycled and non-recycled materials. These alternatives are of such high quality that they can be used once again to drive generators and heaters, something that’s virtually unheard of in the recycled oil industry. 


Throughout the company’s operations, the founders have constantly implemented improvements and technological advancements that place Green Oil products at the top of their class. 


Green Oil founders understand that heating, generators, and transportation are all necessary parts of modern life. But there has to be a better way than using highly pollutive diesel and kerosene. And there is a better way—the Green Oil way. 

Green Pastures


100%green re-refining process

As a company, we are signatories to the Basel Convention and work towards promoting the circular economy for crude oil-based products. Our high-tech plant and its innovativere-refining process recycles 100% of the raw material, producing zero waste and emissions.

Full compliance with Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection - permits and regulations. 

Meets the requirements of the Basel Convention regarding recovery of waste.

Ground-breaking 100% recycling/ zero-waste re-refining process.

The Green Oil senior team are experts at managing complex projects on a wide scale and have proven successes in the energy and financing industry.


In a world where renewable energy constitutes a significant and growing share of the energy market, our experience and expertise, together with a correct business model position Green oil as a leading entrepreneurial player in the waste oil recycling market.

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